We are a North Texas group of dedicated paranormal investigators helping families and businesses find answers to suspected paranormal activity. We believe in finding the truth about paranormal activity.

Our Services

  • We conduct and research suspected paranormal investigations for private homes and businesses
  • Utilize traditional and non-traditional equipment
  • Host public ghost hunting events
  • We conduct and research suspected paranormal investigations for private homes and businesses
  • Utilize traditional and non-traditional equipment
  • Host public ghost hunting events

Our Story

About Us.

My name is Kendal Kane. It all starts with watching the ghost hunting shows. You know the ones I mean.

One of them featured Crazy Water and the Baker Hotel in Mineral Wells Texas, and I took my daughter and some of her friends to visit and explore.

There was a ghost walk happening the next week, so I called my sister, Ann, to see if she wanted to go. And we did.

Turns out, there was also haunted house we could investigate. just down the street from the Baker Hotel.

We wanted to see if this ghost thing was true.

We came back with a lot of cool evidence and we were hooked! Thus began our journey.

This all started back in 2017. Since then, we have learned so much about the paranormal and gained a lot of experience. But, we were also left with a lot of questions. (As to be expected).

My sister and I formed the Ghost Reapers Paranormal Research Society, and we’ve had team members come and go.

Currently, we have about 12 team members, not all investigate at the same time.

We host ghost hunting events, been a part of the World’s Largest Ghost Hunt, and are the official caretakers of Hill House Manor in Gainesville, Texas.

Well, that’s just a little about our story, and we want welcome to our family.

Our Story

About Us.

My name is Kendal Kane. It all starts with watching the ghost hunting shows. You know the ones I mean.

One of them featured Crazy Water and the Baker Hotel in Mineral Wells Texas, and I took my daughter and some of her friends to visit and explore.

There was a ghost walk happening the next week, so I called my sister, Ann, to see if she wanted to go. And we did.

Turns out, there was also haunted house we could investigate. just down the street from the Baker Hotel.

We wanted to see if this ghost thing was true.

We came back with a lot of cool evidence and we were hooked! Thus began our journey.

This all started back in 2017. Since then, we have learned so much about the paranormal and gained a lot of experience. But, we were also left with a lot of questions. (As to be expected).

My sister and I formed the Ghost Reapers Paranormal Research Society, and we’ve had team members come and go.

Currently, we have about 12 team members, not all investigate at the same time.

We host ghost hunting events, been a part of the World’s Largest Ghost Hunt, and are the official caretakers of Hill House Manor in Gainesville, Texas.

Well, that’s just a little about our story, and we want welcome to our family.


Checkout Our Latest Work.

Class A EVP

Haunted Hill House in Mineral Wells, TX

This is a Class A EVP we captured at the Haunted Hill House in Mineral Wells, TX. July 21, 2017.

Disembodied Voice

Disembodied Voice By The Staricase

We all heard humming at the Haunted Hill House in Mineral Wells, TX. This wasn't any one of us. It was a disembodied voice or direct voice phenomenon.

Spirit Box Session

Joshua said his name.

During our Spirit Box session, one of the spirits came through. His name was Joshua, a little boy who died in the house. He is an intelligent spirit that loves to interact with people.


Checkout Our Evidence.

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Disembodied Voice

Disembodied Voice By The Staircase

We all heard humming at the Haunted Hill House in Mineral Wells, TX. This wasn't any one of us. It was a disembodied voice or direct voice phenomenon.

Spirit Box Session

Joshua said his name.

During our Spirit Box session, one of the spirits came through. His name was Joshua, a little boy who died in the house. He is an intelligent spirit that loves to interact with people.

Caretakers of

Hill House Manor

Gainesville, TX

What is it like being caretakers of a haunted house?

At first, it was creepy, scary, exciting, and challenging.

In 2019, we were made the official caretakers of Hill House Manor in Gainesville, Texas.

The owner had a hard time keeping cleaning crews in the house for more than 45 minutes. I told her my team could handle it.

There was a considerable amount of work to be accomplished. Organizing, cleaning, and getting rid of a lot of trash.

Some of these haunted locations are in disrepair because people don’t care about picking up after themselves and they do as little as possible just to get by.

Our first clean up day we accomplished a great deal. The next few times even more.

As for the paranormal aspect, whenever you make changes in the environment or structure, the activity usually increases. And it’s true.

On one occasion, I was cleaning in an area by myself. The other members of my team were in different parts of the house. I heard with my own ears disembodied humming!

It freaked me out a little, but it was so cool to experience it. Nobody in the house was humming or singing and no one was around me at that time.

We’ve all had different experiences while being the caretakers there. We want to help preserve locations like this for others to enjoy.

If you ever go out to a haunted location to investigate the paranormal, a bit of advice is leave it better than when you found it. Hold yourself accountable and pick up after yourself.

To Get in Touch

Contact Us.

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